Marching for Justice for Immigrants



It was loud.  Our children led chants: "Show me what democracy looks like!"  And the adults marched and responded: "This is what democracy looks like!"  For me, marching for a just cause involves intense moments of tears from the hope that moving en masse with other likeminded folks reminding me we are powerful together and chills when the enormity of the resistance overwhelms me.  For two Saturdays in a row Lifting Generation members marched to protest the Trump Administration's cruel zero-tolerance policy against asylum-seeking families who are victims of separating and locking up children away from their parents.  Along with thousands of San Diegans and hundreds of marches across the United States, we showed our collective outrage that our country is not living up to it's ideals.  It was uplifting to chant with hundreds of others and to see people waving in support on the sidewalks and high in windows of tall buildings.  We would wave and cheer at our supporters, joining them into our spirit of resistance.  


As we move forward, we are staying focused on the goal: flipping congress in November 2018 to democrats so that we can push for peace and progress through promoting women's rights, immigrant's rights, and the rights of people of color.  We will not give in! Marching and our collective work fuels us for the road ahead!  Hold hands with us however you can. Come and march, phonebank, buy a t-shirt, follow our Facebook page, join us at a steering committee meeting, give to our PAC so we can fund a congressional candidate who needs it to get over the hump before November!  Email me at [email protected] if you want to get more involved!  As always, thank you for your support.  



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