Fighting Trumpcare: A How To Guide


May 5, 2017

Yesterday the U.S. House passed Trumpcare.  If it passes the U.S. Senate and is signed by President Trump, it will become law.  We know that many of you and your family members have preexisting conditions that the current proposed legislation would allow states to make your heath insurance rates too costly to buy.  We must resist and push our Senators to vote no!  Here's a guide from the Indivisible Guide to resisting Trumpcare.  First and foremost, call your Senators and leave a message today saying that you oppose Trumpcare and you want your Senators to convince their Republican colleagues to vote no!  AND please call friends and family in other states and ask them to call.  Our lives literally depend on it.

Senator Feinstein  (202) 224-3841

Senator Harris (202) 224-3553

Read more about how you can resist at the Indivisible Guide.

#womenwillbecauseprogresscantwait #womenwill

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