Emergency Supplies Needed for Migrants


As the rain comes down today, please think of the children and families that have been through so much and are waiting to apply for asylum at the San Ysidro Port of Entry.  The living conditions in the sports complex where the migrants are waiting are reported to be very poor.  They need emergency supplies and this need has certainly increased as the weather has turned cold and wet. 

Thankfully, Border Angels, a San Diego non-profit all volunteer led organization has been supporting migrants at the border since 1986 advocating for socially just policies and practices.  Border Angels has opened a Target registry for items the migrants in Tijuana desperately need.  The items will be shipped directly to Border Angels who will deliver them to the migrants!  Let's buy out the list with the help of friends and family.  Let's do this.


Thank you to LiftGen member, Chandra Bishop, for kicking off this emergency supply drive!


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